Win a PlanetCare Starter Kit, Worth over £50!
Competition Closed

Closing Date: Saturday 19th of March 2022
Terms & Conditions: Click Here
Let’s take a closer look at the invisible pollution – microfibres. These are tiny plastic strands that come off synthetic clothes when they are washed. They travel through wastewater pipes and mostly end up in the soil, rivers, and oceans, providing descendants with almost eternal remnants to dig out.
35% of microplastics in the ocean come from washing machines1. Microfibres have been found in the Mariana trench, at both poles, the Himalayas – and everywhere in between. Even if you don’t search for them, microfibres will find you: they are already in food, tap water, beer, veggies, and salt. Combined with all microplastics, people may consume up to five grams of microfibres each week2, akin to the weight of a credit card!
The PlanetCare filter catches tiny microfibres that shed from your clothes while washing them. It’s time to stop polluting oceans and drinking water with plastics. Every household with a PlanetCare filter saves up to 52 plastic grocery bags per year from being released into the waters3. With PlanetCare, you can help create a better future for your children, starting at home.
Buy your filter at and get 10% off using code CHECKLIST10.
1. Primary Microplastics in the Oceans: A Global Evaluation of Sources, by J Boucher and D Friot. 2. No Plastic in Nature: Assessing Plastic Ingestion from Nature to People (WWF, 2019). 3. Internal PlanetCare Lab Calculation, by A Krzan 2018.
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