Win a package of three appointments with an expert dietitian Worth £330!
Competition Closed

Closing Date: Saturday 13th of March 2021
Terms & Conditions: Click Here
Discover evidence-based* nutrition advice from world-leading dietitians at CityDietitians.
An experienced team can support you with a wide range of health issues including paediatric nutrition and eating disorders. In addition, clients can receive help addressing digestive problems like IBS, diverticular disease, constipation or food intolerance. CityDietitians can also give advice on areas such as diabetes, cholesterol and heart health, or issues relating to women’s health and fertility (PCOS). A fully online service is available, from booking to consultation and liaison with your medical team as required.
Book online today via
*Please refer to CityDietitians’ website for evidence-based nutrition research. Advice should not discourage essential treatment for conditions in which medical supervision should be sought.
This competition has now closed, no more entries.