Win the sailing adventure of a lifetime with Rubicon 3, Worth over £2,000!

Competition Closed

Closing Date: Thursday 9th of February 2023

Terms & Conditions: Click Here

Adventure is the stock-in-trade of Rubicon 3, one of Europe’s top rated adventure sailing tour operators. With a focus on opening up adventure sailing to everyone, not just experienced sailors, its routes head to some of the world’s remotest regions. Dreamt of weaving your way between icebergs off the coast of Greenland, or polar bear spotting in Svalbard’s fjords? Rubicon 3 do it. Want to sail across the Atlantic Ocean using nothing but a sextant to navigate? They’ll teach you to do that too.

Their yachts are tough 60-footers, designed to sail anywhere on the world’s oceans, each one led by a skipper with hundreds of thousands of miles under their belt. The expeditions, most of which are 12 days long, attract men and women from around the world, many having little or no sailing experience and many joining solo. Although it’s an active holiday it’s not overly physical, with the eldest participant to date being 72.

What’s made Rubicon 3 one of Europe’s favourites? It’s because they encourage everyone to take part and really care. Even amongst all the excitement, there are never raised voices, just bundles of encouragement and quality sailing instruction.

In 2023, the yachts once again sail across the Atlantic from the Caribbean to England and off up to the Arctic Circle for another summer of adventure. With only nine berths on each route and expeditions beginning in April – get reserving a place today.

Visit, email or call 02030867245 to find out more.

This competition has now closed, no more entries.

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