Love Island’s Frankie Foster on rumours, his future with Samira and the couples who will survive the villa

Frankie won a place in our hearts when he swept Samira off her feet. We caught up with him to talk about his initial attraction to Megan, his future with Samira and whether there’s any truth to the rumour that their relationship is fake.
What made you decide to go on Love Island?
‘I don’t think it was a case of dying to go in. I got the opportunity – they got in contact with me [via Instagram]. It’s a free holiday, good fun and you’ve got the chance to find somebody. So with all of those things, why wouldn’t I?’
When you went in to the villa you were initially attracted to Megan. Why do you think so many of the men were attracted to Megan?
‘You pick before you go in. You don’t know these people, it’s a guess. You’re probably influenced as well by what your friends say and what the other guys say. And I think if everyone says ‘Meg’ , it’s an easy choice. And then you figure it out for yourself over the next couple of days when you get to know everyone.
If you went into a room with 20 people and someone said to you ‘who are you going to couple up with?’ you wouldn’t have a clue. I think me saying Meg on day one is very irrelevant. She’s a good looking girl, everyone in there appreciates that, but so is everyone else. It’s about who you click with the most. And for me that was Sam.’
So what initially attracted you to Samira?
‘Me and Samira never really had awkwardness, we never had any silent moments, we just got on straightaway. The first night we chatted all night and then I stayed in her bed. We woke up, had another good day together and had night two. I think after those first few nights in bed together, that’s when we both knew.’
A lot of viewers complained that you guys didn’t get enough screen time. Why do you think the show downplayed your relationship?
‘I don’t think it was a case that we were edited out, it’s more that we didn’t get edited in. We didn’t have a whole lot of drama because me and Sam are super chilled. I think when there are more interesting stories going on at that time, they’re going to take priority .’
There has been speculation about how real you and Samira are as a couple. How would you respond to that?
‘Last night is the first night that I haven’t stayed with her. In the villa we stayed together every single night, we did everything together, we get on really well.
I think if you follow our Instagram and stuff we put out you’ll see that – if you read the papers then they’ll try to tell you a different story. You get this whirlwind of press and media when you first come out and over time when it’s settled down and we’re still together and having a great time, people will obviously see that it’s real.’
Someone recently overheard you saying you weren’t that bothered about Samira, but a few days later you picked her up from the airport. What made you change your mind?
‘I read that article and it’s rubbish. I don’t know where they’ve got that from or whether I was talking about something else, but I never said that. And it’s funny because I’m pretty sure the day before that got released I posted something saying like ‘oh, I miss her’ with a picture of that nightgown that she put in my suitcase.
I’ve said since I came out the villa that I’d wait for her and then as soon as she came out I went and saw her straightaway. Nothing changed. I’ve always been waiting for her, ever since I came back.’
What do you think is in the future for you and Samira?
‘We’re just taking each day as it comes. We’re both very busy, so it’s been a bit of a whirlwind. We haven’t really had a whole lot of time just to chill out together.’
Do you think it’s too soon to decide if you’re going to live together yet?
‘No, I don’t think it would be [too soon]. But I still have commitments in Cheltenham with work, which I won’t ever go away from – it’s a big part of what I do, running the gym in Cheltenham.
So I just find it wouldn’t make sense for me to live in London. But if she has her place in London and I’m doing work in London then I’ll stay with her, and if she’s got days off then I’m sure she’ll come to Cheltenham. I think we’ll work it out.
We don’t live together but I have stayed with her every single night since she’s come out – bar last night – so we have basically been living together and it’s been fun. It’s crazy really because I spoke to some of my mates and they’re like, ‘if I had to stay with my girlfriend every day for a month, I would have killed her.’ But we’ve got on alright!’
In previous years, couples on Love Island were having sex every night, but this year is a lot more PG. Do you have any idea why that could be?
‘I mean, I can only guess. I haven’t been told that, but the obvious assumption is that more people watch it, younger people watch it, so they’ve toned it down a bit.
Are you watching Love Island at the moment?
‘No, not really. I can’t really be bothered and I’m busy so we’re normally out when it’s on. I haven’t seen much but I keep up to date with it on social media and Samira watches bits of it so I ask her.’
At the moment, the lie detector results have made the girls worry their relationships won’t last on the outside world. Which relationships do you think will last in the long run?
‘Josh and Kaz, maybe? I think Jack and Dani will but obviously they’re going to have the most media attention so they will have a crazy time. But they are very suited and I think if they get through that initial madness then they’ll do well and they’ll stay together.’