Giovanni Pernice on Strictly, Debbie McGee, and teeth straightening

Professional dancer and boyfriend of ex-TOWIE star Jess Wright, Giovanni Pernice talks all things Strictly, and reveals his reasons for undergoing Invisalign treatment.
What was it like getting to the final of Strictly twice?
It was an absolute privilege. I had two such amazing partners and to make the finals with Georgia, and then with Debbie was like two dreams come true.
What is your favourite dance?
My favourite dance is the Jive, because it’s fast and fun.
What was it like dancing with the amazing Debbie McGee?
It was, as you say, amazing and became more amazing as I realised how fantastic she was – so flexible, so fast to learn and so hard working!
Who’s your favourite judge on the show?
Each judge adds different things – I respect them all. I thought Shirley did an amazing job for her first season and added so much to the show. I hope that she will return for a second season.
What’s your favourite thing about Strictly?
It is the best viewed show on TV, and everyone that contributes does so passionately – from the judges, to the presenters, to the dancers, to the celebrities…even the costume and make up people! I love the choreography and the training, as well as the Saturday nights! But the best thing is seeing a celebrity learn to dance and grow week by week.
What drove you to undergo Invisalign treatment?
A smile, especially when you work in television, is one of the most important things. A smile is what everyone looks at first and I always wanted my teeth to look better.

How does it improve your confidence?
I am a perfectionist and a Virgo, and therefore anything that’s not perfect bothers me and I will always strive to improve it. Soon, my teeth will be much better thanks to Invisalign!
Apart from dancing, what’s your favourite form of exercise?
I go to the gym three or four times a week when I have time.
What does your diet look like?
I am Italian and I love Italian food! When we are on the road or rehearsing it is very hard to eat well, but I do try to when I can.
To find out more about Invisalign treatment, click here